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Structure of the Inventory module database

Last changed in 02/12/2020

This document describes the structure of the tables and main fields of the database in the inventory module. In this new structure, tables have the 'INV_' prefix.


The INV_TiposOrigem table records which other modules integrate with inventory (VND - Sales; CMP - Purchases; CCT - Payables and receivables; etc.).

ModuloLetter that identifies the module
APLAbbreviation of the module application
UsaTipoDocumentoDefines whether the module is integrated using its documents
CampoTipoDocumentoDefines the INV_Origens table field, where the document type is recorded
DrillDownDrillDown action inside the ERP
CodigoEntidadeVarPerfisIdentifier of dynamic permissions


The INV_OrigensTiposDocumentos table contains additional data of document types (ES - Stock Entry; SS - Stock Issue; TS - Stock Transfer; etc)

TipoDocumentoCode of the applicable document type (FA - Invoice; DEV - Return, TA - Article transfer; etc)
SugeridoEstDefines whether this document type is automatically selected in inventory explorations


The INV_OrigensDrillDown table represents the DrillDown events associated with the types of origin

CamposDrillDownFields (comma separated) that can be drilled-down in explorations
CampoChaveDrillDownField from the INV_Origens table from which information will be retrieved to perform the DrillDown for the record


The INV_Estados table represents the inventory states table

EstadoIdentifier of the Inventory State.

States reserved by the system:

BLOQ - Locked

DISP - Available

INV - Inventory

PREV - Expected

PREV.RES - Expected with reservation

RES - Reserved

TRAN - In Transit

TRAN.RES - In Transit with reservation

Users can create custom states.

DescricaoDescription of the Inventory State
DisponivelIndicates if this State is the available stock
ExistenciasIndicates if the State should be considered as available stock
InventariavelIndicates whether the State is included for inventory taking
EstadoReservaIndicates whether this State that can be used for reservations
SistemaIndicates whether this is a default system State
PrevistoIndicates if this is a State where you expect stock entries in the short term
TransitoIndicates if this is a State in which stock is in transit


The objective of the INV_ConfigEstados table is to share document type state configurations between ERP modules so that these configurations can be found in document types of the different modules.

DocumentoDocument identifier
EstadoOrigemDefines the source state for stock
EstadoDestinoDefines the target state for stock
TipoMovDefines the configuration for positive or negative movements:

0 - positive

1 - negative


The INV_GruposCusto table is the Inventory Cost Group table

GrupoIdentifier of the Cost Group
DescricaoDescription of the Cost Group
ValorizacaoLoteIndication of whether the Cost Group does Lot valuation


The ParametersGCP table holds all the parameters of the Logistics and Cash Management area, ie Inventory, Sales, Purchases, Payables and Receivables, Cash Management.

MovStockConsecutivosPrevent stock movements that are not chronologically consecutive


The Armazens table holds all warehouses used in Sales, Purchases, Internal and Inventory movements.

RupturaStocksIdentifies the option to be taken in case of stock shortage in the warehouse:

0 - Ignore;

1 - Warning;

2 - Lock;

ControlaRupturaStocksIndicates whether there is specific stock control in the warehouse
GrupoCustosIdentifies the cost group of the warehouse


The INV_Origens table stores the origin of the stock and/or cost movement agnostically. For example, in the case of a stock entry, you will view the information of the document line and header you integrated in the module. The entries in this table are always made in the unit of movement and not in the base unit of the article.

DocumentIdentifier of the document
IdChave1Header ID of the document that generated the flow
IdChave2Line ID of the document that generated the flow
Chave1Identifies the document type
Chave2Identifies the document series
NumChave1Identifies the document number
AplicaValorizacaoIndicates whether the origin of the movement will affect valuations
TransferenciaSets whether it is a stock transfer movement


Stock movement records are made in table INV_Movimentos. Unlike the old structure, this table only records stock movements and existing values, before and after each of the records, thus ensuring the persistence of stock on the date. All stock columns are doubled with the suffixes _Previous and _Actual, thus representing the stock existing before and after the registration of the same

Field Description
TipoMovimentoDefines the type of stock movement:

E - Input; S - Output;

Colunas Stock_Identify the stock of the item to the state defined in the row
Colunas Existencias_Identify the stock of the item at the moment for all states that count for stocks, regardless of the state of the row
SistemaIdentifies flows that were generated automatically by the system when posting data for a process
IDReservaIdentifies the reserve to which the stock movement is associated
_Arm_ ColumnsStock by warehouse
_Lot_ ColumnsStock by Batch
_Loc_ ColumnsStock by location
_LocLot_ ColumnsStock by location/batch
_ArmLot_ ColumnsStock by warehouse/batch
DataIndicates the date of the stock movement
DataIntegracaoRecord registration date
NumRegistoRepresents the record registration order


The recording of changes to the costing of articles is made in table INV_Custeio. This table will only contain the records of the movements that cause changes in the costing of articles. Like the table of movements, this table also contains information on the previous and current costs, i.e. after the movement has been recorded.

TipoLancamentoCusteioSets the type of posting:

0 - Normal 1 - Charge 2 - Discount 3 - VPT (Change in price on transformation)

IdMovimentoStockIf there is a stock movement associated with the movement of costing, identifies that movement
TransferenciaValorIdentifies a value transfer between two different cost groups
ValorUnitario_Row Unit Cost. In the case of rows with posting type costing<>0, this is the total value to be imputed to the row
ValorAdicional_Total Added Value of Row (Ex: Additional purchasing costs)
ValorAbater_Total value to be deducted from the row (Ex: Purchase discounts)
Custo_ ColumnsColumns Identify the average cost value of the current article after the row posting and immediately prior to this posting
_Lot_ ColumnsCost to row lot, regardless of cost group. Only valid for articles with batch handling
_GrpCst_ ColumnsCost to row cost group
_GrpCstLot_ ColumnsCost to cost group/batch. Only valid when the cost group separates lot costing and the article handles prepacks
IdValorizacaoIdentifier of the valuation that will assign the value to the movement


The INV_ValoresActuaisStock table facilitates the search of current stock quantities

DataStockDate of last stock movement
EstadoStockIndicates the stock status
BloqueadoIndicates whether the article/warehouse is locked for inventory-taking


The INV_ValoresActuaisCusteio table facilitates the search for current costing values

GruposCustosIdentifies the cost group
DataCusteioIdentifies the date of the last movement of the article


This table allows you to view, per item, the serial numbers in stock. If the serial numbers are no longer in stock, '0' will appear in the Stock field. This table may also be used to check the status, magazine, location and batch of a certain serial number

ArtigoArticle identifier
EstadoStockIndicates stock status
NumeroSerieRepresents the serial number. when the serial number is not referred to in the stock entry, a code identified in the document field is assumed
DocumentoRepresents the document that gave rise to the serial number by the following formula:

TypeDoc Series/NumDoc #NumLine


All movements of serial numbers are recorded in table INV_NumerosSerieMovimento, which records, by stock movement, which serial numbers were moved. If, for example, a certain stock movement enters 5 serial numbers, this table will identify those 5 serial numbers linked to the same stock movement.

NumeroSerieRepresents the serial number of the movement
NumRegistoRepresents the record number of the movement


The INV_Reservas table allows you to save all the information about a reservation, such as the line data, source and destination document, as well as the amount of the reservation and its current status

Field Description
IdTipoOrigem(origin/destination)Identifies the integration module of the source or destination of the reserve line
IdChave(origin/destination)Identifies the origin or destination key of the booking. In the case of sales and purchases, represents the ID of the row in question
Descricao(origin/destination)The description of the origin or destination that will be presented on the holdings or processes treating stocks
Estado(origin/destination)State of stock from which the stock of the reserve originates or to which it has been sent
QuantidadeTotal quantity in the base unit of the article reserved
Quantidade pendentePending quantity to satisfy the reservation
FechadaIdentifies whether the reservation has been closed
ReservadoPorIdentifies who triggered the reservation process:

0 - Reserved by origin; 1 - Reserved by destination;

IdReservaOriginalthe case of a booking linkage, identifies the booking that gave rise to it


The INV_CabecTransferencias table represents the record table of transfer document headers

IDIdentifier of the article transfer
TipoDocDocument Type
NumDocDocument number
FilialIdentifier of the branch where the document is created. Valid only for branch licenses
SerieDocument series
TipoEntidadeType of entity used for the accompanying document
EntidadeEntity used for the accompanying document
MoedaDocument Currency (Represents the base currency of the company)
CambioExrate of the currency used in entries against the reference currency
CambioMAltExrate of the alternative currency against the reference currency
CambioMBaseExrate of the base currency against the reference currency
ArredondamentoNumber of rounding decimal places
DataDocument date
ObservacoesComments field
DiarioAccounting journal number
NumDiarioIndicates whether the document is already exported to accounting
AnoCBLYear of the accounting year to which the document is posted
MovContabIndicates if the document is already exported to accounting
DocImpIndicates whether the document was printed
IdGDOCIdentification of PRIMAVERA Document Management document
ObraIdIf all document lines are associated with a project/work, this field is filled with the project/work identification
UtilizadorIdentifier of the user who launched the document
DataUltimaActualizacaoField that indicates the date of the last update of the register
IdCabecMovCblAccounting document identifier
TipoLancamentoPosting type related to the flow in accounting
WBSItemWBS element identifier


The INV_LinhasTransferencias table represents the table of transfer document rows

IdIdentifier of the document line
IdCabecTransferciasDocument header identifier
NumLinhaLine number
TipoLinhaLine type identifier
ArtigoIdentifier of the article
ArmazemWarehouse of origin of the moved article
LocalizacaoLocation of the goods (article) in the warehouse
Lotemovement lot of the article
DescricaoArticle description
QuantidadeQuantity moved
UnidadeUnit used for entering the movement
PrecUnitUnit price of the movement
PrecoCustoIndicates the cost price of the material
DataDate of movement
FactorConvConversion factor of the line values to the base unit of the article
ArredFConvRounding of the conversion factor
ObraIdIdentification of the project/work to which the document line is associated
ClasseIdIdentification of the work activity class. Applicable only for companies with CCOP integration
SubEmpIdIdentification of the subcontract work. Applicable only for companies with CCOP integration
CategoriaIdCategory to which the work article belongs. Applicable only for companies with CCOP integration
IdLinhaOrigemSource line identifier
IdLinhaPaiIdentifier of the line with the master article (parent)
ItemIdItem identifier in the CCOP module
ItemCodItem code in the CCOP module
ItemDescItem description in the CCOP module
WBSItemWBS element identifier
ProcessoIDIdentifier of the STP (Technical Services) process
CCustoCBLAccounting cost center account
ContaCBLAccounting account
AnaliticaCBLAccounting account for Analítica
FuncionalCBLAccounting account for the functional
EstadoOrigemSource state of the movement
EstadoDestinoDestination state of the movement
TipoLinhaTransfIndicates whether it is a source or destination line


The INV_CabecTransferenciasArtigo table represents the registration of article transfer header documents.

IDIdentifier of the article transfer
TipoDocIdentifier of the type of document
NumDocDocument number
FilialIdentifier of the branch where the document is created. Valid only for branch licenses
SerieSeries of the document
MoedaDocument currency (must be the base currency of the company code)
CambioExrate of the currency used in entries against the reference currency
CambioMAltExrate of the alternative currency against the reference currency
CambioMBaseExrate of the base currency against the reference currency
ArredondamentoNumber of rounding decimal places
DataDocument date
ObservacoesComments field
DiarioAccounting journal number
NumDiarioIndicates whether the document is already exported to accounting
AnoCBLYear of the accounting year to which the document is posted
MovContabIndicates if the document is already exported to accounting
DocImpIndicates whether the document was printed
ArtigoOrigemIndicates the article from which the transfer originated
ArtigoDestinoIndicates the article destination of the shipment
LoteDestinoIndicates the batch of the target material of the transfer
IdGDOCIdentification of PRIMAVERA Document Management document
UtilizadorIdentifier of the user who posted the document
DataUltimaActualizacaoField that indicates the date of the last update of the register
IdCabecMovCblAccounting document identifier
TipoLancamentoPosting type related to the flow in accounting


The INV_LinhasTransferenciasArtigo table represents the row record table of article transfer documents

IdLine identifier of the article transfer
IdCabecTransferenciasDocument header identifier
NumLinhaLine number
ArmazemWarehouse identifier
LocalizacaoIdentifier of the location
LoteIdentifier of the batch
EstadoStockStock status identifier
QuantidadeTotal stock of the item in the Warehouse/Location/Batch/Line State
PrecoCustoItem cost in Warehouse/Location/Batch/Line State


The INV_DocumentosTransferencia table represents the record table of transfer document types and their configurations.

DocumentoDocument identifier:

TA – Item transfer:

TALE – Warehouse/Location/State transfer;

TE – State transfer;

TLT – Lot transfer;

TNS – Serial number transfer;

TRA - Warehouse transfer;

TS – Stock transfer;

DescricaoDocument type description
TipoTransferenciaSpecifies the type of transfer:

0 - Warehouse transfer;

1 - Lot transfer;

2 - Serial number transfer;

3 - Item/Dimension transfer;

4 - Location transfer;

SugestaoEstatSpecifies if the document is considered by default in the explorations.
ActPCUSpecifies if the document updates the last cost price.
ActPCSpecifies if the document updates the average cost price.
ActUltEntradaSpecifies if the document updates the last entry date.
ActUltSaidaSpecifies if the document updates the last exit date.
EnviaEmailSpecifies if the document can be sent by email.
EmailToEmail recipient. In case it is not the fixed email address, it will be the contact type.
EmailFixoSpecifies if it will be sent to a fixed email address or a contact list.
EMailBCCInvisible recipient to receive an email copy.
EMailCCRecipient to receive an email copy.
EMailTextoMessage attached to be sent by email with the document.
EMailConfirmarSpecifies if the user is asked to confirm the reception of the document by email.
EMailVisualizarSpecifies if the email will be viewed before being sent.
DataUltimaActualizacaoField that specifies the last record update date.
PermiteAltAposExpSpecifies if the document can be changed after being exported to and from branches. Used only with license to Branches.
InternoSpecifies if the document is internal. In this case, this document cannot be used by the users.
ControlaCustosPorObraSpecifies if the document controls costs by work.
ClasseAnaliticaEntradaAnalytic Class of Projects/Works Entry:

0 - None;

1 - Cost budget;

2 - Consumption;

3 - Purchases;

4 - Earnings budget;

5 - Earnings;

ClasseAnaliticaSaidaAnalytic Class of Projects/Works exit:

0 - None;

1 - Cost budget;

2 - Consumption;

3 - Purchases;

4 - Earnings budget;

5 - Earnings;

TransitaEstadoIdentifies if the document performs the Project State Transition.
EstadoTransitarIdentifies the project state when it changes, if the document is configured.
IgnoraBloqueioArmIf this option is selected for a transfer document, this means that when inserting an item in a warehouse marked as blocked for stock entries and/or issues, the locking indication will be ignored. Therefore, it is possible to register the receipt or issue of stock to that warehouse (useful, for example, when you wish to issue material with poor quality to return to supplier).
BensCirculacaoWhen saving, generate document to accompany the goods.
TipoDocCompraTypes of document used to accompany the goods for suppliers.
TipoDocVendaTypes of document used to accompany the goods for customers.
TipoPrecoBensCirculacaoType of price used when generating the document to accompany the goods.
TransfereArmazemSpecifies if the document can transfer stock between warehouses
TransfereLocalizacaoSpecifies if the document can transfer stock between locations
TransfereLoteSpecifies if the document can transfer stock between batches
TransfereNSerieSpecifies if the document can transfer serial numbers
TransfereEstadoSpecifies if the document can transfer stock between states
ColocaStockTransitoSpecifies if the document allows Transit states
EstadoInventory state identifier.


The table INV_SeriesTransferencias represents the record and configuration table for the transfer documents series.

Can only be one by document type.

AlterarDataSpecifies if the document can be saved with a date previous to the last one in the series.
ArmazemSugestaoIdentifies the Suggested Warehouse.
ConfigDefault document printing configuration.
DataFinalFinal date of the series.
DataInicialStart date of the series.
DataUltimoDocumentoLast document date of the series.
DescricaoSeries description
DescricaoVia01Copy printing description.
DescricaoVia02Duplicate printing description.
DescricaoVia03Third copy printing description.
DescricaoVia04Fourth copy printing description.
DescricaoVia05Fifth copy printing description.
DescricaoVia06Sixth copy printing description.
LimiteInferiorLower limit for document numbering.
LimiteSuperiorUpper limit for document numbering.
LocalSugestaoIdentifies the Suggested Location.
NumeracaoAutomaticaSpecifies if the series has automatic numbering.
NumeradorNumber of the last document performed. Used for numeric sequence.
NumViasNumber of copies to be printed when the document is issued.
OrdemSeries ordering field
PrevisaoSpecifies if the document is previewed when printing.
SerieSeries identifier.
SerieInactivaSpecifies if the series is active.
SeriePorDefeitoSpecifies if is is the default series.
SugereDataSistemaSpecifies if the series suggests the system date when creating the documents.
SugereMoradaArmazemSpecified if the suggested warehouse address should or not be used for loading and unloading.
TipoDocDocument type to which the series belong to.
TipoLancamentoPosting type identifier.
UtilizadoEmPMSSpecifies if the series is available in PMS.


The table INV_PeriodosBloqueadosTransferencias defines locked periods for transfer documents.

DataFinalFinal period date.
DataInicialStart period date.
DocumentoLocked document


The table INV_CabecComposicoes represents the composition and breakdown document headers table.

IdDocument header identifier.
TipoDocDocument type.
NumDocDocument number.
FilialIdentifier of the branch where the document is created. Valid only for Branches licenses.
SerieDocument series.
MoedaDocument currency.
CambioIntroduction currency exchange rate regarding the reference currency.
CambioMAltAlternative currency exchange rate based on the reference currency.
CambioMBaseBase currency exchange rate based on the reference currency.
DataDocument date.
ObservacoesDocument observations.
DiarioAccounting journal in which the document is posted.
NumDiarioAccounting journal number.
AnoCBLAccounting fiscal year in which the document is posted.
MovContabSpecifies if the document was already exported to accounted
DocImpSpecifies if the document was printed.
IdGDOCPRIMAVERA Documentary Management document identification.
ObraIdIf all the rows in the document are associated to a project/work, this field is filled in with the project/work identification.
UtilizadorIdentifier for the user who posted the document.
DataUltimaActualizacaoField that specifies the last record update.
IdCabecMovCblAccounting document identifier.
TipoLancamentoType of posting regarding the accounting posting.
WBSItemProject WBS item identifier.
TipoMovSpecifies the price posting type.
TipoQtdComposicaoSpecifies if the component quantities in the Composition/Breakdown documents are unitary or total.


The table INV_LinhasComposicoes represents the composition and breakdown lines' table.

IdDocument line identifier.
IdCabecComposicoesDocument header identifier.
NumLinhaLine number.
TipoLinhaSpecifies the line type.
TipoCompostoSpecifies if it regards a compound or a component:

0- component

1- compound

ArtigoItem identifier.
ArmazemWarehouse from which the item is posted.
LocalizacaoGoods location (item) in the warehouse.
LoteItem transaction batch.
DescricaoItem description.
QuantidadePosted quantity.
UnidadePostings entering unit.
PrecUnitPosting unitary price.
PrecoLiquidoPostings net price.
EstadoOrigemPosting source state.
EstadoDestinoPosting target state.
EntradaSaidaSpecifies if the posting is entry or issue.
DataPosting date.
FactorConvConversion factor of the line values for the base item unit.
ArredFConvConversion factor rounding.
ObraIdIdentification of the project/work to which the document line is associated to.
ClasseIdIdentification of the work activity class. Only applicable to companies with CCOP integration.
SubEmpIdIdentification of the work subcontracting. Only applicable to companies with CCOP integration.
CategoriaIdCategory the work item belongs to. Only applicable to companies with CCOP integration.
MovStkSpecifies if the line moves stock.
IdLinhaCompostoCompound line identifier.
PCPadraoSpecifies the item standard price.
PrecoCustoSpecifies the item cost price.
ItemIdItem identifier in the CCOP module.
ItemCodItem code in the CCOP module.
ItemDescItem description in the CCOP module.
WBSItemWBS item identifier.
CCustoCBLAccounting cost center account.
ContaCBLAccounting account.
AnaliticaCBLAccounting account to Analytic.
FuncionalCBLAccounting account to functional.
IdLinhaPaiLine identifier with the master item (parent).


The table INV_DocumentosComposicao represents the record and configuration table for the composition and breakdown document types.

DocumentoDocument identifier.
DescricaoDocument type description.
TipoComposicaoSpecifies the composition type:

0 - Composition;

1 - Breakdown;

SugestaoEstatSpecifies if the document is considered by default in the explorations.
ActPCUSpecifies if the document updates the last cost price.
ActPCSpecifies if the document updates the average cost price.
ActUltEntradaSpecifies if the document updates the last entry date.
ActUltSaidaSpecifies if the document updates the last issue date.
PrecoUnitarioSpecifies the type of price to be used in the documents.
EnviaEmailSpecifies if the document can be sent by email.
EmailToEmail recipient. In case it is not the fixed email address, it will be the contact type.
EmailFixoSpecifies if if will be sent to a fixed email address or to a contact list.
EMailBCCInvisible recipient to receive an email copy.
EMailCCRecipient to receive an email copy.
EMailTextoMessage attached to be sent by email with the document.
EMailConfirmarSpecified if the user is requested to confirm the reception of the document by email.
EMailVisualizarSpecifies if the email will be viewed before being sent.
DataUltimaActualizacaoField that specifies the last record update.
PermiteAltAposExpSpecifies if the document can be changed before exporting from and to branches. Used only with Branches licenses.
VersaoUltActField updated by the SQL when the record is saved. Used in branches to know which records are changed after the last import.
InternoSpecifies if the document is internal. In this case, the document cannot be used by the users.
ControlaCustosPorObraSpecifies if the document allows costs per work.
ClasseAnaliticaEntradaAnalytic Class for Projects/Works Entry:

0 - None;

1 - Cost Budget;

2 - Consumption;

3 - Purchases;

4 - Earnings budget;

5 - Earnings;

ClasseAnaliticaSaidaAnalytic Class for Projects/Works Issue:

0 - None;

1 - Cost Budget;

2 - Consumption;

3 - Purchases;

4 - Earnings budget;

5 - Earnings;

TransitaEstadoIdentifies if the document performs the Project State Transition.
EstadoTransitarIdentifies the project state when it changes, if the document is configured.


The table INV_SeriesComposicoes represents the record and configuration table for the composition and breakdown document series.

Can only be one by document type.

AlterarDataSpecifies if the document can be saved with a date previous to the last document in the series.
ArmazemSugestaoIdentifies the Suggested Warehouse.
ConfigDefault document printing configuration.
DataFinalFinal date of the series.
DataInicialStart date of the series.
DataUltimoDocumentoLast document date of the series.
DescricaoSeries description
DescricaoVia01Copy printing description.
DescricaoVia02Duplicate printing description.
DescricaoVia03Third copy printing description.
DescricaoVia04Fourth copy printing description.
DescricaoVia05Fifth copy printing description.
DescricaoVia06Sixth copy printing description.
LimiteInferiorLower limit for document numbering.
LimiteSuperiorUpper limit for document numbering.
LocalSugestaoIdentifies the Suggested Location.
NumeracaoAutomaticaSpecifies if the series has automatic numbering.
NumeradorNumber of the last document performed. Used for numeric sequence.
NumViasNumber of copies to be printed when the document is issued.
OrdemSeries ordering field
PrevisaoSpecifies if the document is previewed when printing.
SerieSeries identifier.
SerieInactivaSpecifies if the series is active.
SeriePorDefeitoSpecifies if is is the default series.
SugereDataSistemaSpecifies if the series suggests the system date when creating the documents.
SugereMoradaArmazemSpecified if the suggested warehouse address should or not be used for loading and unloading.
TipoDocDocument type to which the series belong to.
TipoLancamentoPosting type identifier.
UtilizadoEmPMSSpecifies if the series is available in PMS.


The table INV_PeriodosBloqueadosComposicoes represents the record table for theclosed periods of the composition and breakdown documents.

DataFinalFinal period date.
DataInicialStart period date.
DocumentoLocked document


The table INV_CustosComposicao represents the configuration of costs associated to be posted in the composition documents.

IDRecord identifier.
ArtigoComposed item identifier to which the Cost line is associated to.
DescriçãoCost line description.
CustoCost monetary value (Base Currency).
OrdemLine sequence.


The table INV_CabecInventarios represents the inventory document header table.

NumDocRepresents the number of the inventory document
TipoDocEntradaRepresents the entry document type
TipoDocSaidaRepresents the entry document type
EstadoDocDefines the inventory state:

1 - Under preparation;

2 - Being Counted;

3 - Closed;

ArtigosInventariadosAteRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
ArtigosInventariadosAteDataRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
ArtigosAnuladosRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
ExcluirLotesInactivosRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
ExcluirLocalizacoesInactivasRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
ValorMinimoArtRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
ValorMaximoArtRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
StockMinimoArtRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
StockMaximoArtRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoArtigosRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoFamiliasRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoSubFamiliasRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoMarcasRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoModelosRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoFornecedoresRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoLocalizacoesRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
RestricaoEstadosRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
SQLRestricoesRecord filter criterion applied to inventory.
BloquearStockDefines if the inventory perfoms the stock locking.
InventarioCegoWhen there is no current stock value specification.
InventariacaoFixaNew items cannot be added to inventory.


The table INV_LinhasInventarios represents the inventory lines table.

ArtigoItem identifier
QtdOriginalExisting quantity in stock at that time
QtdStockCounted quantity
DataStockCounting date in which the stock will be moved (Ex.: Avoids the stock locking).


The table INV_FormatosInventaricao represents the configuration table for the import and export formatting for the inventory terminals.

FormatoImportacaoIf the import is applicable.
FormatoExportaçãoIf the export is applicable.
ConfiguracaoFormatting field configuration.


The table INV_DetalhesLinhasInventarios represents the inventory quantities by stock state.

EstadoStockspecifies the stock state.
QtdOriginalExisting quantity in stock at that time.
QtdStockCounted stock quantity.


The table INV_Valorizacoes represents the document cost value that applies value.

IdOrigemspecifies the stock state.
IdMovimentoStockStock movement identifier.
IdMovimentoCusteioCost posting identifier.
DataWorth date.
DataValorValue date.
CustoMBaseCost in base currency.
CustoMAltCost in alternative currency.
CustoAnteriorMBasePrevious cost in base currency.
CustoAnteriorMAltPrevious cost in alternative currency.


The table INV_Variacoes represents all all average cost price variations associated to values.

IdCusteioRefReference cost identifier (VFA).
IdCusteioVariacaoIdentifier of the cost that originated the variation (VPT/ENC/DES).
IdValorizacaoValue identification to which the variation refers to (NULL indicates a variation in cost, ex.: VFA).
DataRefCost reference date (VFA).
DataVariacaoDate of the cost that originated the value (VPT/ENC/DES).
ValorMBaseVariation value in the base currency.
ValorMAltVariation value in the alternative currency
ValorAnteriorMBasePrevious value in the base currency variation.
ValorAnteriorMAltPrevious value in the alternative currency variation.
ValorRefMBaseReference value in the currency value.
ValorRefMAltReference value in the alternative value.
QuantidadeRefReference quantity.


The table INV_VariacoesCBL represents the variation to be integrated in accounting.

IdVariacaoVariation identifier (VFA).
ContaAccount to be posted.
NaturezaPosting nature.
ValorMBaseVariation value in the base currency.
ValorMAltVariation value in the alternative currency
DescMovimentoPosting description.
SubModuloPosting submodule.
IdDocOrigemIdentifier of the document to which the variation is applied (FA).
IdDocCustoIdentifier of the document that originated the variation (VFA).
IdMovCBLIdentifier of the CBL posting already registered to DocOrigem.
LoteCBLIdentifier of the CBL posting batch already registered to DocOrigem.
ContaOrigemCBLIdentifier of the source account CBL posting already registered to DocOrigem.
TipoContaCBLIdentifier of the Account Type CBL posting already registered to DocOrigem.
IdDocIntegracaoIdentifier of the posting that preceded the posting integration.


The table INV_CabecRececcoes represents the goods receipt document header table.

IdIdentifier of the good receipt.
FilialIdentifier of the branch where the reception document is created. Valid only for branches licenses.
NumDocDocument number.
ArmazemReception document warehouse identifier.
DescricaoDocument reception description.
DataReception document date.
DataGravacaoReception document saving date.
ObservacoesObservation field.
UtilizadorIdentifier for the user who posted the reception document.


The table INV_LinhasRececoes represents the goods reception lines.

IdReception document line identifier.
IdCabecRececoesReception document header identifier.
NumLinhaLine number.
TipoLinhaSpecifies the line type.
IdDocumentoOrigemSource document identifier.
IdLinhaOrigemSource document line identifier.
ModuloOrigIdentifies the source document module.
TipoDocOrigIdentifies the source document type.
IdLinhaPaiLine identifier with the master item (parent).
ModuloIdentifies the target document module.
IdDocumentoTarget document identifier.
IdLinhaDocumentoTarget document line identifier.
TipoEntidadeType of entity used for the reception document.
EntidadeEntity used for the reception document.
ArtigoItem identifier.
LocalizacaoLocation identifier.
LoteBatch identifier.
DescricaoItem description.
UnidadePostings entering unit.
FactorConvConversion factor of the line values for the base item unit.
VariavelAVariable A.
VariavelBVariable B.
VariavelCVariable C.
QntFormulaFormula quantity.
QuantidadePendenteQuantity pending reception.
QuantidadeReceived quantity.
QuantidadeRejeitadaQuantity rejected or not good.
FecharIdentifies if the line was closed.
MaterialNaoEncIdentifies if the line was originated in material not ordered / line inserted manually.


The table INV_LinhasRececoesNumSerie represents the serial numbers associated to the reception lines.

IdLinhasRececoesReception line identifier
IdNumeroSerieIdentifier of the source document serial number
NumeroSerieRepresents the serial number of the reception line


The table INV_FormatosExpedicao records the format type that can be used when shipping.

FormatoShipping unit code.
DescricaoShipping unit description.
ArredondaNumber of decimal places for the shipping format.
PesoShipping unit weight.


The table INV_CabecExpedicoes represents the shipping documents header.

IdGoods shipping identifier.
FilialIdentifier of the branch where the shipping document is created. Valid only for Branches licenses.
NumDocDocument number.
ArmazemShipping warehouse document identifier.
DescricaoDocument shipping description.
DataShipping document date.
DataGravacaoShipping document saving date.
ObservacoesObservation field.
UtilizadorIdentifier for the user who posted the shipping document.


The table INV_LinhasExpedicoes represents the shipping document lines table.

IdShipping document line identifier
IdCabecExpedicoesShipping document header identifier
NumLinhaLine number
TipoLinhaSpecifies the line type
TipoEntidadeType of entity used for the shipping document<
EntidadeEntity used for the shipping document<
IdDocumentoOrigemSource document identifier.
IdLinhaOrigemSource document line identifier.
ModuloOrigemIdentifies the source document module.
ModuloDestinoIdentifies the target document module.
IdDocumentoDestinoTarget document identifier.
IdLinhaDocumentoDestinoTarget document line identifier.
UnidadeExpedicaoSpecifies the shipping unit
IdLinhaOrigemUEDivided source line identifier
IdLinhaPaiLine identifier with the master item (parent).
ArtigoItem identifier.
ArmazemWarehouse identifier.
LocalizacaoLocation identifier.
LoteBatch identifier.
DescricaoItem description.
UnidadePostings entering unit.
FactorConvConversion factor of the line values for the base item unit.
VariavelAVariable A.
VariavelBVariable B.
VariavelCVariable C.
QntFormulaFormula quantity.
QuantidadeShipping quantity.
FecharIdentifies if the line was closed.
MaterialNaoEncIdentifies if the line was originated in material not ordered / line inserted manually.


The tableINV_UnidadesExpedicoes records the adding units used in shipping.

IdShipping unit identifier.
IdCabecExpedicoesShipping document line identifier
UnidadeExpedicaoSpecifies the shipping unit.
FormatoExpedicaoSpecifies the shipping format.
DescricaoShipping unit description.
ArredondaNumber of decimal places for the shipping format.
PesoShipping unit weight.


The table INV__LinhasExpedicoesNumSerie records the serial numbers associated to the shipping lines.

IdLinhasExpedicoesShipping line identifier.
IdNumeroSerieIdentifier of the source document serial number.
NumeroSerieRepresents the serial number of the shipping line.
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