Creating an App
Creating an App is the first step to take in order to develop any kind of integration with Primavera's cloud products, and it plays two very important roles. On the one hand, once submitted for approval and approved, the App will be available on the Marketplace so that customers can subscribe to it, and, on the other hand, it defines how to connect to the products. The connection to the App allows the developer to access the authorization token that must be used for all calls to the Web API. The App creation section is divided into two subareas. In this subarea, the publisher's list is associated with the user account, and it is allowed to add and remove publishers. The publisher is nothing more than the information about the producer of the App, which will then be visible later in the App Store. In this subarea, it is possible to view, edit, publish or remove applications, as well as create or remove subscriptions for testing. At the moment test subscriptions are only allowed for Jasmin. To add a new app, follow these steps: This configuration page is divided into six areas, and the following information must be filled in: General: You must fill in the following data: Logo & Images: In this area, you must specify the logo of the application for informational purposes. Authorization You must fill in the following data: When selecting the flow types Client Credentials or AuthorizationCode, you should generate a Client Secret in the available button, and it is necessary to save the application after changing the flow. It is not possible to recover this information, so you should save it safely. However, it is possible to generate a new Client Secret in the option Reset Client Secret. Additional Settings You must fill in the following data: Distribution After filling in all the necessary requirements, it is possible to submit the app for approval using the option Submit for approval. The state of approval of the app will be presented. Only Apps made available on the marketplace need to be submitted for approval. After being created, you can edit some of the App fields, except for the fields Product, Name and Key. You can also publish or unpublish applications, as well as request generating a new Client Secret (this option is only available for applications with the Client Credentials or AuthorizationCode types of authentication). For the created App to access the data, it is necessary to associate the App to a specific subscription. This procedure is necessary for development and testing purposes. If the association is not made when a WebApi request is made, the error code 403 will be returned. To associate your app, follow these steps:Publisher
Creating an App
- Product: product name;
- Key: application identifier (key/clientId that will be used in the integrator applications);
- Name: the public name of the application;
- Description: description of the application;Editting an App
Associating Subscriptions
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