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Integration endpoints update

Last changed in 03/02/2023

After updating the Jasmin, Rose, and Invoicing Engine platform, the GET method endpoints with the format {moduleName}/{serviceName}, to obtain all records of a collection will be discontinued on October 2022.

This way, the integrations that use these endpoints should be adapted to use the format {moduleName}/{serviceName}/odata. These odata methods have better performance and allow to perform multiple operations on a collection at once, such as $select, $filter, $count, $top or $orderby.

We recommend that you perform this verification and consequent update until September 30, but it is possible to perform it at any time.

For more information on how to execute odata queries on Jasmin data, please read the support article.

The following are examples with and without the odata method when obtaining invoices:

Version without odata

Method: GET

Endpoint: (...)/api/XXXXXX/XXXXXX-YYYY/billing/invoices


Version with odata

Method: GET

Endpoint: (...)/api/XXXXXX/XXXXXX-YYYY/billing/invoices/odata



As you can see on the example, the odata method output has a few differences:

  • An object with the itemsnextPageLink, and count properties is returned;
  • The items property is a collection of objects with the results get on the request;
  • By default, the results are paginated (maximum of 100 results). The nextPageLink property has the address that allows getting the results from the following page (the null value is assumed if there are no more pages).
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